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[*** 쓰기 금지단어 패턴 ***]
글 본문 중간에 업로드할 이미지를 추가하는 방법 : @@이미지이름@@
ex) @@foo.gif@@
8 번 글: 사용자 추가 삭제
글쓴이: 산이 [홈페이지] 글쓴날: 2003년 10월 23일 13:39:16 목(오후) 조회: 5689
사용자 추가

# pw useradd [-n] user1 [-u uid] [-g groupname] [-G group1,...]
     -c 'comment' { -m [-k /home/user1] | -d /home/user1 }
     -s /bin/sh

사용자 삭제

# pw userdel [-n] user1 -r
  pw userdel [-u] uid -r


# passwd user1


# pw useradd help
usage: pw useradd [name] [switches]
        -V etcdir      alternate /etc location
        -C config      configuration file
        -q             quiet operation
  Adding users:
        -n name        login name
        -u uid         user id
        -c comment     user name/comment
        -d directory   home directory
        -e date        account expiry date
        -p date        password expiry date
        -g grp         initial group
        -G grp1,grp2   additional groups
        -m [ -k dir ]  create and set up home
        -s shell       name of login shell
        -o             duplicate uid ok
        -L class       user class
        -h fd          read password on fd
        -Y             update NIS maps
        -N             no update
  Setting defaults:
        -V etcdir      alternate /etc location
        -D             set user defaults
        -b dir         default home root dir
        -e period      default expiry period
        -p period      default password change period
        -g group       default group
        -G grp1,grp2   additional groups
        -L class       default user class
        -k dir         default home skeleton
        -u min,max     set min,max uids
        -i min,max     set min,max gids
        -w method      set default password method
        -s shell       default shell
        -y path        set NIS passwd file path


# pw userdel help
usage: pw userdel [uid|name] [switches]
        -V etcdir      alternate /etc location
        -n name        login name
        -u uid         user id
        -Y             update NIS maps
        -r             remove home & contents

이전글 : FreeBSD 시그널 번호 /usr/include/sys/signal.h
다음글 : LANG=ko_KR.eucKR 한글 파일명 보기  
JS(Redhands)Board 0.4 +@

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