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1.3.27) :
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안녕 하세요. 문의 사항이 있습니다.
mysql 3.23.57 => 4.0.24 업그레이드 중에
ERROR 입니다.
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_fix_privilege_tables 루트패스워드
This scripts updates the mysql.user, mysql.db, mysql.host and the
mysql.func tables to MySQL 3.22.14 and above.
This is needed if you want to use the new GRANT functions,
CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION or want to use the more secure passwords in 3.23
If you get 'Access denied' errors, you should run this script again
and give the MySQL root user password as an argument!
Converting all privilege tables to MyISAM format
If your tables are already up to date or partially up to date you will
get some warnings about 'Duplicated column name'. You can safely ignore these!
ERROR 1060 at line 2: Duplicate column name 'File_priv'
Creating Grant Alter and Index privileges if they don't exists
You can ignore any Duplicate column errors
ERROR 1060 at line 1: Duplicate column name 'Grant_priv'
ERROR 1060 at line 2: Duplicate column name 'Grant_priv'
ERROR 1060 at line 3: Duplicate column name 'Grant_priv'
Setting default privileges for the new grant, index and alter privileges
Adding columns needed by GRANT .. REQUIRE (openssl)
You can ignore any Duplicate column errors
ERROR 1060 at line 1: Duplicate column name 'ssl_type'
Creating the new table and column privilege tables
Changing name of columns_priv.Type -> columns_priv.Column_priv
You can ignore any Unknown column errors from this
ERROR 1054 at line 1: Unknown column 'Type' in 'columns_priv'
Fixing the func table
You can ignore any Duplicate column errors
ERROR 1060 at line 1: Duplicate column name 'type'
Adding new fields used by MySQL 4.0.2 to the privilege tables
You can ignore any Duplicate column errors
ERROR 1060 at line 1: Duplicate column name 'Show_db_priv'
Updating new privileges in MySQL 4.0.2 from old ones
ERROR 1060 at line 1: Duplicate column name 'max_questions'
ERROR 1060 at line 1: Duplicate column name 'Create_tmp_table_priv'
ERROR 1060 at line 4: Duplicate column name 'Create_tmp_table_priv'
ERROR 1061 at line 5: Duplicate key name 'Grantor'
사용상에 문제가 있나요?