1725 번 글: 좋은밤 식은땀 흘리네요. |
글쓴이: 하얀피
글쓴날: 2003년 10월 20일 01:36:59 월(새벽) |
조회: 1114 |
134 KB(136,704 Bytes)
파일명: RedHat_Linux_7.3_Qmail.doc
혹 큐메일을 사용해본적이 있으신지요.
이번에 큐메일 스캐너를 설치중인데..
중간에 막혔네요.
압축을 풀고 컨피그를 하려고 하면 아래와 같이 됩니다.
이리저리 문서를 찾아보았지만 뾰록히 수가 없네요.
대체 왜 그럴까요?
제가 참고한 설치 문서는 첨부파일에 있습니다.
P.S-> 이게 얼마나 도움이 될지는 모르겠으나 suidperl을 chattr +i로
잠궈놓은 상태입니다.
[root@www qmail-scanner-1.16]# ./configure --debug no --lang "eucKR"
--log-details syslog --unzip yes
Building Qmail-Scanner 1.16...
***** NOTE ******
Qmail-Scanner doesn't have language translations for ko_KR.eucKR,
- so defaulting to english...
[Hit <RETURN> to continue]
This script will search your system for the virus scanners it knows
about, and will ensure that all external programs
qmail-scanner-queue.pl uses are explicitly pathed for performance
It will then generate qmail-scanner-queue.pl - it is up to you to install it
Continue? ([Y]/N)
Something like the SpamAssassin spamc is present, but not working
(didn't include a "X-Spam-Status" line in output) - ignoring...
Something like the SpamAssassin spamc is present, but not working
(didn't include a "X-Spam-Status" line in output) - ignoring...
Cannot find evidence of QMAILQUEUE patch in /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd!
This package REQUIRES that Qmail patch in order to operate.
Please read the README.html file again and download and install the patch
before continuing...
[root@www qmail-scanner-1.16]#
이전글 : Re: quota
다음글 : Re: 좋은밤 식은땀 흘리네요.
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