처음에는 작동을 했습니다.
웹에서 보는것을 막 눌러보다보니 안되더라구요
아파치를 껏다켜봐도 그러고
No shm cache available with key 0x0c0deb00. The cache may not exist or you may have
insufficient permissions to access it.
phpa = on
phpa.tweaks = on
phpa.enable_php_memory_bug_workaround = 1
phpa.cache_dir = /tmp
phpa.file_perms = 644
;phpa.ignore_files = "/index.php,/a/help.php"
;phpa.ignore_dirs = "/data/WWW/site1/,/cache/"
phpa.cache_file_prune_period = 1h
phpa.cache_file_ttl = 1d
phpa.shm_size = 8
phpa.shm_key = 0xc0deb00
phpa.shm_perms = 644
phpa.shm_user = nobody
phpa.shm_group = nobody
phpa.shm_release_at_exit = on
phpa.shm_stats_check_period = 5m
phpa.shm_ttl = 12h
;phpa.shm_ignore_files = "/index.php,/a/help.php"
;phpa.shm_ignore_dirs = "/data/WWW/site1/,/nocache/"
phpa.shm_max_processes = 512
phpa.shm_lock_threshold0 = 10
phpa.shm_lock_threshold1 = 10
이렇게 설정되어 있습니다.
답변해주시면 감사하겠습니다